Sunday 13 October 2013

Reporter's Fan Account ~ My dinner with Rain

(photo by FIDe Fashion Weeks)

Source: todayonline 2013.10.13
Author:  HON JING YI

SINGAPORE – Friday night was a pretty special night. Because I had dinner with Rain.

Sure, we were seated several tables apart, so cruelly separated at Fashion Week 2013’s MCM Gala Dinner at Marina Bay Sands.

But I am not going to nitpick.

Our evening together began quite dramatically, at approximately 9pm, right after I’d gobbled my appetiser and a particularly tasty bun.

He marched right into Hall F at the Sands Expo for the Gala Dinner. All heads turned, probably to memorise every step he made.

As he took his designated seat, women in shiny gowns and grown men in expensive suits hurried over, aiming their cameras and phones at his face.

He smiled - awkwardly, politely, and a little resigned. I am not sure if our eyes met, but I am going to remember that they did.

Half a dozen bodyguards stood menacingly behind him, forming a semi-circle of muscle.

I know some people wanted to go close – to ask him for autographs, photos, a marriage proposal. But no one challenged the Muscles.

A minute later, the women were shooed back to their seats, while the men were (probably) told to have some self-respect.

And he finally settled in enough for a short chat with the people at his table.

I wondered what came up during their conversation. How was the flight? Did he enjoy the fashion show? Wasn’t he dying of heat under that pea coat?

I was sure he would have more fun talking to me. About our favourite movies. Our childhoods. Where our kids should go to school.

Soon, it was, of course, time for him to make a trip to the bathroom. And so he did. A dozen of his people followed. I motioned to say that I would wait at my table.

Then, he probably thought it would be nice to take a photograph against the backdrop, right next to my table. More cameras and smartphones came out, and more people were shooed. I tried to tell him that I was camera-shy.

He went back to his table for a few more minutes, and then back to the backdrop. It had been too dark.

Two bodyguards fished out their torchlights so he could have enough light for a good photo.

Pose, and snap.

Then, about half an hour after he entered the room, while they were serving squash soup, he left.

Without even a goodbye kiss.

He marched out the way he had marched in, with a long train of people behind him.

Not unlike Pied Piper, I thought. If Pied Piper were unusually good-looking, and one of Korea’s biggest pop stars.

And, just in case you were interested, I finished my soup. It was quite good.

So what did you do on Friday night?

(photo credit:  Hon Jing Yi)

Romanian translation by Benghi

SINGAPORE-Vineri seara a fost o seara foarte speciala. Pentru ca am luat cina cu RAIN.

Desigur am stat la o distanta de cateva mese,separati foarte crud la Fashion Wekk 2013 MCM Gala Dinner la Marina Bay Sands.

Dar nu voi omite nimic.

Seara noastra a inceput destul de dramatic,la aproximativ ora 9 p.m., chiar dupa ce am inghitit aperitivul si o bucata buna de  chifla.

El a mers direct in Sala F la Sands Expo pentru Gala Dinner.Toate capetele s-au intors,probabil pentru a memora fiecare pas pe care l-a facut.

Dupa a luat locul care ii apartinea,femei in rochii sclipitoare si barbati in costume scumpe s-au grabit catre el,tintind camerele si telefoanele lor in fata lui.
A zambit - stanjenit,politicos,si un pic resemnat. Nu sunt sigura daca ochii nostri s-au intalnit,dar imi voi aminti ca da.

O jumatate de duzina de bodyguarzi au stat in spatele lui, formand un semi-cerc de muschi.

Stiu ca unii oameni au vrut sa se apropie- pentru a-i cere autografe, poze, o cerere in casatorie. Dar nimeni nu a provocat Muschii.

Un minut mai tarziu,femeile au fost alungate la locurile lor si barbatilor li s-a spus (probabil) sa capate un pic de respect de sine. Si in final s-a asezat pentru o scurta discutie cu oamenii de la masa lui.

Ma intreb despre ce au conversat.Cum a fost zborul? I-a placut fashion show-ul?Nu ii era cald sub haina aceea?

Eram sigura ca s-ar fi distrat mai mult daca vorbea cu mine. Despre filmele noastre preferate.Copilariile noastre.Unde ar merge copii nostri la scoala.

Curand,a fost,desigur,timpul lui sa faca un drum la baie. Si a facut.O duzina din oamenii lui l-au urmat.M-i s-a dat semn sa spun ca voi astepta la masa mea.

Dupa aceea, el probabil a crezut ca ar fi dragut sa faca o poza in fundal,langa masa mea. Mai multe camere si smartphone-uri au iesit,si mai multi oameni au fost alungati.Am incercat sa-i spun ca sunt timida in fata camerelor.

A mers inapoi la masa lui pentru cateva minute, dupa aceea din s-a intors in fundal. Era foarte intuneric.

Doi bodyguarzi au scos lanternele pentru ca el sa aiba destula lumina pentru o poza buna.

Pozitie si gata.

Dupa, dupa vreo jumatate de ora dupa ce a intrat in camera,in timp ce se servea supa de dovleac,el a plecat.

Fara nici un sarut de la revedere macar.

A plecat exact asa cum a si venit, cu un tren lung de oameni in spatele lui.
Nu ca Pied Piper,m-am gandit.Daca Pied Piper era neobisnuit de aratos,si unul dintre Marile Staruri ale Coreei.

Si in caz ca va intrebati,mi-am terminat supa. A fost destul de buna.

Deci,tu ce ai facut Vineri seara?

Indonesian translation by RAIN's Little Cloud

SINGAPURA - Jumat malam adalah malam yang sangat istimewa. Karena saya makan malam bersama RAIN.

Tentu saja, kami didudukkan terpisah beberapa meja, dengan sangat kejam dipisahkan pada Fashion Week 2013 MCM Gala Dinner di Marina Bay Sands.

Tapi saya tidak ingin terlalu banyak protes.

Malam kami dimulai dengan cukup drastis, sekitar jam 09:00 malam, tepat setelah saya melahap makanan pembuka dan roti yang sangat lezat.

Dia berjalan masuk ke HAll F di Sands Expo untuk Gala Dinner. Semua kepala berpaling, mungkin untuk menghafal setiap langkah yang dibuat olehnya.

Begitu dia duduk di tempat duduknya, para wanita dalam gaun mengkilap dan para pria dewasa dalam setelan mahal datang bergegas, mengarahkan kamera dan telepon pada wajahnya.

Dia tersenyum - dengan canggung, sopan, dan agak pasrah. Saya tidak yakin apakah mata kami bertemu, tetapi saya akan mengingatnya sebagai mata kami bertemu.

Setengah lusin pengawal pribadi berdiri dengan sikap mengancam di belakangnya, membentuk setengah lingakaran berotot.

Saya tahu beberapa orang ingin mendekat - untuk meminta tanda tangan, foto, proposal pernikahan. Tapi tidak ada yang berani menantang para otot.

Semenit kemudian, para wanita di-shoo kembali ke tempat duduk mereka, sementara para pria (mungkin) diminta untuk punya sedikit harga diri.

Dan akhirnya dia bisa mengobrol sedikit dengan orang-orang yang semeja dengannya.

Saya penasaran apa yang kira-kira muncul dalam pembicaraan mereka. Bagaimana flight-nya tadi? Apakah dia menikmati fashion show barusan? Tidakkah dia kepanasan dalam balutan jas tebal?

Saya yakin dia akan lebih senang berbicara dengan saya. Tentang film favorit kami. Masa kanak-kanak kami. Dimana anak-anak kami harus sekolah.

Tak lama kemudian, tiba saat untuk, tentu saja, saat bagi dia untuk pergi ke kamar mandi. Dan demikianlah adanya. Selusin dari rombongannya ikut. saya memberi isyarat yang mengatakan bahwa saya akan menunggu di meja saya.

Kemudian, dia mungkin berpikir akan bagus untuk berfoto di depan backdrop, tepat di sebelah meja saya. Lebih banyak lagi kamera dan smartphone dikeluarkan, dan lebih banyak lagi orang yang di-shoo. saya mencoba mengatakan kepadanya bahwa saya ini camera-shy [pemalu].

Dia kembali ke mejanya untuk beberapa menit, dan kemudian kembali ke backdrop. Tapi sudah terlalu gelap.

Dua pengawal pribadinya mengeluarkan senter mereka sehingga dia bisa mendapat cukup cahaya untuk foto yang baik.

Berpose, dan snap.

Kemudian, sekitar setengah jam setelah dia memasuki ruangan, saat mereka sedang menyajikan sup labu, dia pergi.

Tanpa ciuman selamat tinggal.

Dia bergegas keluar sama seperti saat dia datang, dengan barisan panjang orang-orang di belakangnya.

Tidak berbeda dengan Pied Piper, pikirku. Jika Pied Piper luar biasa tampan, dan adalah salah satu bintang pop terbesar Korea.
[Pied Piper]

Dan, hanya jika Anda tertarik, saya menyelesaikan sup saya. Sungguh sangat lezat.

Jadi apa yang Anda lakukan pada Jumat malam?

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