Sunday 13 October 2013

RAIN's fans gather from around the world ~ 2013.10.12 8th Cloud Fan Meeting in Seoul, South Korea

(photo credit:  Cube Entertainment 2013.10.12 8th Cloud Fan Meeting)

[12-Oct-13][Osen]Rain's fans throughout the world were gathered to attend his fan meeting. 1,300 translating devices were arranged. [Engish/Spanish/Romanian translations]

Credit:  News Naver
English translation by 화니 at The Cloud

Rain's fans across the globe, including Korea, Japan, China, Europe, North America, etc., came to his domestic fan meeting held for the first time after his discharge from the army. Accordingly, no less than 1,300 translating devices were arranged for his foreign fans.

With more than 3,000 fans from China, Japan, Europe, North America, Turkey, Sweden, Brazil, Argentina, etc., including Korea, in attendance, Rain's fan meeting started at 4:00 p.m. on the 12th.

The fan meeting was originally going to be held for his Korean fans, but proving that he is popular around the world, Rain arranged no less than 1,300 translating devices when it was attended by a great many foreign fans.

During the fan meeting, Rain sang his hit songs, and tried spending quality time with his fans and having meaningful conversations that are ways to build intimacy and strengthen bonds while telling them how he was getting along.  His management agency gave a hint, "Rain has prepared many things to spend meaningful time with his fans. He'll sing many songs."

As it was his first fan meeting since 2009 when he was about to be enlisted, the event drew great attention from the public. Gagman Yun Jeong-su hosted the event.

Meanwhile, Rain is to hold a fan meeting in Japan in November.  He is planning a concert tour entitled "2013 RAIN ZEPP TOUR STORY OF RAIN" in a total of 4 cities like Fukuoka, Osaka and Tokyo starting in Nagoya on November 14th. He'll perform a total of 10 concerts and the concert will finish on November 28th.

Various scenes from 8th Cloud Fan Meeting
Photo display credit as tagged


Spanish translation by Benghi

[12-Oct-13] [Osen] Los fans de RAIN de todo el mundo se reunieron para asistir a su reunión de fans.Se organizaron 1,300 dispositivos de traducción.

Los fans de RAIN de todo el mundo,incluyendo Corea, Japón ,China, Europa, América del Norte,etc.,se presentaron en su reunión de fans interna que se celebró por primera vez después de su baja del ejército.En consecuencia,no menos de 1,300 dispositivos de traducción se organizaron para sus fans extranjeros.

Con más de 3.000 fans de China, Japón, Europa, América del Norte, Turquía, Suecia, Brasil, Argentina,etc., incluyendo a Corea, en la asistencia, la reunión de fans de RAIN comenzó a las 4:00 p.m. el día de 12.

La reunión de fans originalmente iba a ser celebrada por sus fans coreanos,pero demostrando que es popular en todo el mundo, RAIN organizó nada menos que 1,300 dispositivos de traducción cuando se contó con un gran número de fans extranjeros .

Durante la reunión de fans, Rain cantó sus canciones de éxito,y trató de pasar tiempo de calidad con sus fans y tener conversaciones significativas que son formas de construir intimidad y fortalecer los lazos mientras les decía cómo le iba bien.  Su agencia de gestión dio una pista, "RAIN ha preparado muchas cosas para pasar tiempo significativo con sus fans.Él va a cantar muchas canciones."

Como era su primera reunión de fans desde 2009,cuando estaba a punto de ser alistado,el evento atrajo una gran atención por parte del público.Gagman Yun Jeong-Su sede del evento .

Mientras tanto,RAIN es llevar a cabo una reunión de fans en Japón en Noviembre.Él está planeando una gira de conciertos titulada "2013 RAIN ZEPP TOUR STORY OF RAIN" en un total de 4 ciudades como Fukuoka, Osaka y Tokio a partir de Nagoya en el 14 de Noviembre.Se va a realizar un total de 10 conciertos y el concierto finalizará en el 28 de Noviembre.

Romanian translation by Benghi

[12-Oct-2013][Osen] Fanii lui RAIN din toata lumea s-au adunat pentru a lua parte la fan meeting-ul sau.1,300 de dispozitive pentru traducere au fost aranjate.

Fanii lui RAIN din tot globul,incluzand Coreea, Japonia, China, Europa, America de Nord,etc.,au venit la fan meeting-ul sau tinut pentru prima data dupa eliberarea sa din armata.Nu mai putine de 1,300 de dispozitive pentru traducere au fost aranjate pentru fanii sai straini.

Cu mai multi de 3,000 de fani din China, Japonia, Europa, America de Nord, Turcia, Suedia, Argentina, Brazilia,etc., incluzand Coreea  ca participanti, fan meeting-ul lui RAIN a inceput la ora 4.00 dupa-amiaza,pe data de 12.

Fan meeting-ul a fost pentru fanii coreeni la inceput,dar cum este popular in toata lumea, RAIN a aranjat nu mai putine de 1,300 de dispozitive pentru traducere,pentru multimea de fani straini aflata acolo.
In timpul fan meeting-ului, RAIN a cantat hit-urile sale,si a incercat sa petreaca timp placut cu fanii sai,si avand conversatii placute creand cai intime care au dus la intarirea legaturilor intre ei in timp ce le spunea cum s-a simtit.  Agentia sa de management a dat un indiciu :"RAIN a pregatit multe lucruri pentru  a petrece timp valoros alaturi de fanii sai.Va canta multe cantece."

Cum este primul sau fan meeting inca din 2009,cand era aproape de inrolare,evenimentul a atras o enorma atentie din partea publicului. Comedianul Yun-Jeong Su a gazduit evenimentul.

Intre timp, RAIN va avea un fan meeting in Japonia in Noiembrie. El planuieste un turneu de concerte intitulat "2013 RAIN ZEPP TOUR STORY OF RAIN" intr-un total de 4 orase precum Fukuoka,Osaka,si Tokio incepand in Nagoya pe 14 Noiembrie.El va performa intr-un total de 10 concerte si concertele se vor termina pe 28 Noiembrie.

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