Monday 21 October 2013

[19-Oct-13] [Rain-Jihoon Notice] Regarding a news report on a concert in Taiwan

[19-Oct-13][Rain-Jihoon Notice]Regarding a news report on a concert in Taiwan. [19-Oct-13][Rain-Jihoon Notice]Regarding a news report on a concert in Taiwan. Hello, Cloud members. Yesterday, Taiwan's news report incorrectly reported about RAIN. Thus, we're trying to put right a wrong. According to the report, "UK's music band 'Blur' cancelled their concert in Taiwan in May of this year. but most of tickets were non-refundable because the organizers were in financial difficulties. Tickets for Rain's concert planned for next May in Taiwan can be substituted for the non-refundable tickets." [The article about it] : The rumor couldn't be further from the truth, and Rain's management agency says that he doesn't have any intend to hold a concert next May. Please don't be fooled by the unconfirmed information. Thank you. Source : English translation by 화니 @The Cloud
Romanian translation by Benghi

[19-Oct-13] [Rain-Jihoon Notice] In legatura un raport despre un concert in Taiwan.
Hello,membrii Cloud.
Ieri,un raport din Taiwan l-a mentionat incorect pe RAIN.Incercam sa reparam greseala. Potrivit raportului,"trupa de muzica Blur din Anglia au anulat concertul lor din Taiwan care ar fi a vut loc in luna Mai anul acesta.Dar biletele nu au fost returnabile pentru ca organizatorii au fost in dificultati financiare.Bilete pentru concertul lui RAIN,planuit pentru urmatoarea luna Mai in Taiwan pot fi inlocuite cu biletele nereturnabile."
Zvonul nu este adevarat,si agentia lui RAIN a spus ca el nu are nici o intentie sa tina un concert in luna Mai,anul viitor. Va rugam sa nu va lasati mintiti despre un asemenea zvon neconfirmat. Va multumim.
Spanish translation by Benghi
[19-Oct-13] [Nota de Rain-Jihoon] En cuento a una noticia sobre un concierto en Taiwan. Hola,los miembros de Cloud. Ayer,un informe de noticias de Taiwán informó incorrectamente sobre RAIN.Por lo tanto,estamos tratando de corregir un error. Según el informe,"'Blur' banda de música del UK canceló su concierto en Taiwan en Mayo de este año.Pero la mayoría de los boletos eran no-reembolsables porque los organizadores se encontraban en dificultades financieras.Las entradas para el concierto de RAIN para el próximo mes de Mayo en Taiwan puede sustituir a los billetes no-reembolsables."
[El artículo sobre el tema]: El rumor no podía estar más lejos de la verdad,y la agencia de RAIN dice que él no tiene ninguna intención de tener un concierto en el próximo mes de Mayo.Por favor,no se dejen engañados por la información no confirmada. Gracias.

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